Select a specific country (or area) or region to display data for, or the whole world
Data at the water basin level will be available in the future for some of the SDG 6 global indicators.
Select an indicator to display data:
Press the "View selection" button to the left to load the section.
Convert unit 1
Select unit for indicator(s):
Convert unit 2
Select unit for indicator(s):
Year selection:
The above chart is based on data from the following years (the latest year for which data are available for a specific country and indicator):
List of all indicators displayed in the above chart : Download full legend
The request is taking a long time to load. Try to reduce the number of data points selected, e.g. through the following steps:
- Stop the request (by refreshing the page or by opening up a new instance of the portal) and clear your previous selection (if it remains);
- Select only one or a few countries or regions;
- Select only one indicator;
- Select only the latest year with data (checkbox next to the timeline, bottom right corner).
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The map/chart/table is taking a long time to download. Try to download again, and select JPG or PNG format, which requires less bandwidth than the other options available.
Please note that you can also take a screenshot of the map/chart/table, instead of downloading it.
See more suggestions on how to manage low bandwidth problems here.